{grow your own}

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I have been “growing my hair out” for about a year now. Obviously its growing, but the process requires a hell of a lot of patience and a whole lot of awkward stages. Tip – don’t get impatient and cut bangs mid grow out session. It doesn’t solve your problem and then just creates a “bang phase,” you know the one. The one where all pictures are doomed because you are growing out your bangs and you have to pretend like you didn’t exist for 6 months since there is no photo evidence due to voluntary de-tagging and deleting?


Anyways – thank goodness there actually are some options to help speed things up.


Biotin Supplements

I was recommended these by a hair stylist and started taking one 5000 mcg a day (when I remember). It is supposed to enhance hair growth, nail growth and even eyelash growth – so I figured it would be a win all around. My opinion – it works well enough for being a supplement with no side effects or freaky ingredients (well at least I personally have had no negative side effects). It is not a miracle product – but I think just the mental idea of taking it also makes me think its working. Be sure to check the mcg when you purchase, 1000 mcg will do nothing – be sure to have at least 4000 or 5000. One pill a day is enough, your body can only handle so much anyways before it rids the excess itself and then you are just wasting supplements. You can purchase them at any drugstore for under $10.00. Don’t waste your time with the fancy brands, it’s all the same.


I am really anxious to try this product. I read a lot of beauty blogs and everyone recommends this product. Especially actresses and models since their hair goes thru the ringer on a daily/weekly basis. Now this is not as cost friendly as the Biotin Supplement. This product costs $100.00 for three months of pills, and that is with their buy 2 months, get the third free promotion. Check it out here. The reviews on this product are great, with most people saying they noticed a difference in their hair within the first month. 


Argan (Moroccan) Oils

By now Moroccan Oil has created its own craze and has quite a bit of hype in the past year. There are plenty of different brands and duplicates of this product. This product doesn’t help your hair grow- but it keeps the hair you do have on your head -and helps keep it healthy. This product also helps repair damage caused by heating tools. There are so many claims about what this will do for your hair, but basically since its an oil, it will moisturize your hair and keep it from becoming dry and brittle – and therefore protecting from breakage and damage. Best part about this oil is it is fine-hair friendly. It doesn’t weigh my hair down – which is essential to any product I put in this zero volume mane of mine. I started using it a week ago- and yes, it’s worth using.


Be good to your hair. It’s easier than you think and gives you an excuse to not have perfectly curled and flat ironed hair each day.


See this related post for more ways to keep your hair shiny, healthy, long  and attached to your head.